Dr. Thomas J Kishen

Dr. Thomas Joseph Kishen is a highly accomplished and versatile Spine Surgery and Spine Care Consultant. With an impressive educational background, including an MBBS, DORTHO, DNB (Ortho), and FRCS (Edinburgh, UK), Dr. Kishen has garnered extensive knowledge and expertise in his field. He has undertaken prestigious fellowships in Spinal Deformity Surgery and Spine Surgery in Australia, further refining his surgical skills and techniques. Dr. Kishen has also had the opportunity to enhance his global perspective through visiting fellowships at esteemed institutions such as the Seoul Spine Institute in South Korea and Barnes Jewish Hospital, St. Louis Children's Hospital, and Shriners Hospital in the United States.
Dr. Thomas Joseph Kishen is a distinguished Spine Surgery and Spine Care Consultant with a wealth of experience and expertise. His academic background, which includes an MBBS, DORTHO, DNB (Ortho), and FRCS (Edinburgh, UK), is complemented by prestigious fellowships in Spinal Deformity Surgery and Spine Surgery in Australia. Dr. Kishen has further honed his skills through visiting fellowships at renowned institutions worldwide, including the Seoul Spine Institute in South Korea and various hospitals in the United States.
These international experiences have greatly expanded Dr. Kishen's knowledge base and enhanced his practice. His areas of specialization encompass a wide range of spinal treatments, both surgical and non-surgical, including Spinal Injections, Spinal Tumor operations, and procedures for Scoliosis and Kyphosis.
Dr. Kishen's exceptional clinical abilities have earned him numerous accolades, including the prestigious Dr. BaluSankaran Gold Medal and the Professor M.V. Daniel Gold Medal for Outstanding Commitment to Patient Care. His contributions to spine research have also been recognized, notably with the ASSI-Depuy Best Spine Research Award for his paper on spinal tuberculosis surgery.
Beyond his clinical work, Dr. Kishen is dedicated to sharing his expertise through talks and publications. His efforts to raise awareness about spine health, particularly in relation to osteoporosis and kyphotic deformity, underscore his commitment to patient education and advocacy.
- MBBS, D`Ortho, DNB [Ortho]
- FRCS (Edinburgh, UK), FACS (USA)
- Fellowship in Spine Surgery (Ganga Hospital- Coimbatore)
- Fellowship in Spine Surgery and Spinal Deformity Surgery (Australia)
- Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching (Australia)
Awards Received
- Karippaparambil Family Award for contribution to upliftment of society, 2024
- SJBHSOBA Significant Achievement Award, 2016
- ASSI-Depuy Best Spine Research Award at the ASSI conference at Bangalore in January 2005 for the paper titled “Is single stage posterior column shortening a safe and reliable procedure in active spinal tuberculosis”
- Dr. Balu Sankaran Gold Medal for “standing first in India in the Diplomate of the National Board Exam” in Orthopaedics for the year 2001
- Professor M.V. Daniel Gold Medal for “Exemplary Commitment to Patient Care” for the year 2000 from PSG Institute of Medical Sciences, Coimbatore
- Dr. Premananda Nayak Award for the “Best Outgoing D`Ortho Student” from MAHE University, Manipal for the year 1998
Visiting Fellowship
- Seoul Spine Institute with Prof Se II Suk. South Korea. January 2008
- Barnes Jewish Hospital, St Louis Childrens Hospital and Shriners Hospital with Dr. Lawrence Lenke, Washington University School of Medicine, St.Louis, Missouri, USA. September 2008
Papers Published
- Rajasekaran S., Kishen T.. Fusion after lumbar discectomy- Necessity or Overkill. Continuing Medical Education Lecture Series. IOA 2003 Chennai, India.
- Rajasekaran S. Kishen T.. Role of Instrumentation in Spinal Tuberculosis. Continuing Medical Education Lecture Series. IOA 2004 Agra, India.
- Kishen T.., Rajasekaran S. Is single stage posterior column shortening a safe and reliable procedure in active spinal tuberculosis. Journal of the TamilnaduOrthopaedic Association. January 2005.
- Kishen T.., Shetty AP, Rajasekaran S. Variant of a Lumbar Disc Cyst in a 13-year-old girl. A case report. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2006;14(2):184-6.
- Rajasekaran S, Prasad Shetty A, Dheenadhayalan J, Shashidhar Reddy J, Naresh-Babu J, Kishen T.. Morphological Changes During Growth in Healed Childhood Spinal Tuberculosis A 15-year Prospective Study of 61 Children Treated With Ambulatory Chemotherapy. J PediatrOrthop. 2006 Nov-Dec;26(6):716-24
- Helen Tao, BojiangShen, Aiqun Wei, Thomas Kishen, AshishDiwan, David D. F. Ma Therapeutic Potential of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Repair Degenerative Intervertebral Discs. Journal of Stem Cell Research. Volume 3, Issue1, November 2007.
- Thomas Kishen; Ian A Harris; AshishDiwan. “Primum non nocere and randomised placebo-controlled surgical trials: a dilemma?” ANZ J Surg 2009; 79: 508–509
- Thomas Kishen; Greg Etherington; AshishDiwan. “Post-traumatic cranial subdural haematoma with concomitant spinal epidural and spinal subarachnoid haemorrhage presenting with bilateral leg pain – Coincidence or causal relation? “Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2009; 17(3): 358-360
- Wei A, Williams LA, Bhargav D, Shen B, Kishen T, Duffy N, Diwan AD. BMP13 Prevents the Effects of Annular Injury in an Ovine Model. Int J BiolSci 2009; 5:388-396.
- Mohapatra B, Kishen T, Diwan A. Multiple pedicle fractures in Osteopetrosis. Spine 2010; 35(8): E311-315.
- Lok, P. Boughton, T Kishen, ADiwan. Geometrical & Interfacial Modulation of a Biomimetic Spinal Implant. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 2009; 4: 41-58.
- BojiangShen, Aiqun Wei, DivyaBhargav, Thomas Kishen, Ashish D Diwan. Hyaluronan: Its Potential Application in Intervertebral Disc Regeneration. Orthopaedic Research and Review 2010; 2: 17-26.
- Thomas Kishen; AshishDiwan. Fusion versus disc replacement for degenerative conditions of the lumbar and cervical spine: Quid esttestimonium? OrthopClin N Am 41 (2010) 167–181
- Thomas J Kishen, BibhudenduMohapatra, Ashish D Diwan, Greg Etherington. Post-traumatic thoracic scoliosis with rib head dislocation and intrusion into the spinal canal: A case report and review of literature. Published online in European Spine Journal on 24/2/2010. DOI 10.1007/s00586-010-1321-1
- Thomas Kishen, AshishDiwan. Winds of Change in Orthopaedic Training. Isn’t it time? Published online in the Indian Journal of Orthopaedics website as a blog. 2010
- Mohapatra B, Kishen T, Diwan A. Post-operative retroperitoneal lymphocele following lumbar total disc replacement: A case report and review of literature. SAS Journal 2010; Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 87-91
- Daniel G.T. Strange, Sandie T. Fisher, Philip C. Boughton, Thomas J. Kishen, Ashish D. Diwan. Restoration of compressive loading properties of lumbar discs with a nucleus implant - A Finite Element Analysis Study. The Spine Journal 2010;10 (7):602-609
- Thomas Kishen; AshishDiwan. Should doctors learn to teach? The National Medical Journal of India. 2012;24(4): 246-247
- KishenTJ, Lindstrom ST, Etherington G, Diwan AD. Veillonellaspondylodiscitis in a healthy 72-year old lady. European Spine Journal 2012, (Suppl 4): 413-417
- Kishen TJ. Scoliosis – Identification, Natural History and Management Options. Karnataka Medical Journal 2012. Vol 45; Issue 1: 18-21
- Kishen TJ. Current concepts in the management of thoracolumbar fractures. Karnataka Medical Journal 2012. Vol 45; Issue 1:
- Kishen TJ., Tahasildhar N. Diagnostic and therapeutic role of spinal injections. Karnataka Medical Journal 2013. Vol 46; Issue 1:14-19
- Tahasildhar N., Kishen TJ. Surgery for the degenerative lumbar spine. Karnataka Medical Journal 2013. Vol 46; Issue 1: 21-25
- Shaikh H, Kishen TJ. Achromobacter spondylodiscitis: A case report and review of literature. Indian Spine J [serial online] 2018 [cited 2018 Nov 28];1:144-7. Available from: http://www.isjonline.com/text.asp?2018/1/2/144/238383
- Kishen T, Garg B. Legends of Indian orthopedics: Dr. VergheseChacko. Indian J Orthop [serial online] 2018 [cited 2018 Nov 28];52:573. Available from: http://www.ijoonline.com/text.asp?2018/52/5/573/240507
- Kumar A, Kishen TJ. Delayed Onset Tension Pneumocephalus following Lumbar Spine Surgery: A Report of Two Cases and Review of Literature. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research 2020; 6(5): 18-22.
- HamzaShaikh, Kishen TJ. et al Temporal pattern of pain and disability following the administration of a selective nerve root block (SNRB) in the management of lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Spine Surgery IJSS (October 2020)
- HamzaShaikh, Kishen TJ. et al "Simultaneous anterior-posterior en-bloc resection of chest wall chondrosarcoma abutting the spine-A case report and surgical technique overview.", Accepted for publication in SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine (2021)
- ManojRamachandraiah, Thomas J Kishen. Lumbar Facet Cyst Causing Incomplete CaudaEquina Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of Literature J Orth Joint Surg 2020;XX(X):1–3
- ManojRamachandraiah, Thomas J Kishen Brown tumour causing thoracic compressive myelopathy - A case report and review of literature.Indian Spine J 2021;4:203-13.
- Venkatesan P, Soundararajan K, Kishen T, Janardhan S, Kumar CRS. Comparison of yoga and dynamic neuromuscular stabilization exercise in chronic low back pain on magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar multifidus- protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.DO - 10.1016/j.conctc.2022.100937.
- Soundararajan K, Venkatesan P, Kishen T. The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention on physical function in individuals with chronic low back pain: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2022/11/01 DO - 10.1016/j.ctcp.2022.101623
- Kishen T, Kumar A, Girishekar B, Rao V. Incidence of Sacroiliitis among Patients Presenting with Chronic Low Back Pain to a Tertiary Care Spine Center. Journal of Orthopedics and Joint Surgery. 2023/07/07 DO - 10.5005/jojs-10079-1117
- Thirugnanam B, Kukreja A, Mandanna BK, Kishen TJ. Challenges in Occipitocervical Fusion in a 9-Month-Old Infant: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Neurol India. 2024 Jan 1;72(1):145-147. doi: 10.4103/ni.ni_66_22. Epub 2024 Feb 29. PMID: 38443017.
- Thomas J Kishen1 , Prabhakar Sekar2 Cervical Ligamentum Flavum Cyst Causing Myelopathy:A Case Report. Journal of Orthopedics and Joint Surgery (2024): 10.5005/jojs-10079-1147
Chapters Contributed to Books
- Thomas Kishen. Surgical approaches to the cervical spine. Pg 2631-2643 In: Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2008. Eds. Kulkarni GS. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. New Delhi. India.
- Helen Tao, BojiangShen, Aiqun Wei, Thomas Kishen, AshishDiwan, David D. F. Therapeutic Potential of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Repair Degenerative Intervertebral Discs. In : Research Developments in Stem Cells. 2008 Ed. Wade T. Ereland. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY. USA.
- Mohapatra B, Kishen TJ, Sandhu S, Etherington G, Diwan AD. Iatrogenic Spinal Cord Injury: Incidence, Prevention and Management. Pg 518-530 In: Spinal Infections and Trauma. 2011. Ed. Rajasekaran S. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. New Delhi. India.
- Priyadarshi H, Kishen TJ, Etherington G, Diwan AD. Flexion Distraction Injuries and Fracture Dislocations of the Thoracolumbar Spine. Pg. 471-480 In: Spinal Infections and Trauma. 2011. Ed. Rajasekaran S. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. New Delhi. India.
- Patil SS, Kishen TJ. Guest Editors. Karnataka Medical Journal.September 2013. Vol 46; Issue 1
- Thomas Kishen, AjoyShetty. Psychology of back pain. Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2016. Eds. Kulkarni GS. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. New Delhi. India.
- Thomas Kishen. Epidemiology of lumbar disc herniation. The Lumbar Spine. 4th Edition. Published by International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. ISSLS ( (In Press)
- Thomas Kishen, Nazim Mughal. Tuberculosis – Tuberculosis – History, epidemiology and pathogenesis In Tuberculosis of Spine (ASSI monogram). Thieme Medical Publishers 2018.
- Thomas Kishen, HamzaShaikh. Lumbar disc herniation in adolescents. In Lumbar Disc Herniation (ASSI monogram) Thieme Medical Publishers 2018.
- Kishen, Thomas J. "Long-Term Effects of Idiopathic Scoliosis with Specific Reference to Back Pain, Cardiorespiratory Sequelae, Mortality Rate, and Psychological Issues." Paediatric Scoliosis. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023. 255-264.